Jersey Seafood Weekend Specials


Supporting local fishermen and delighting in our delicious Jersey Seafood

Jersey crab sandwich
on farmers loaf with dressed salad garnish

Sautéed hand dived scallops
with pea purée, black pudding, parmesan and cress
Starter (5) £12.50 Main (10) £18.50

Jersey crab salad
with Jersey Royals and crispy salad

½ Jersey lobster salad
with peeled prawns and Jersey Royals

½ Grilled Jersey lobster
with garlic butter, king prawns, mixed leaves and Jersey Royals

Pearl ½ Jersey lobster salad
with Jersey handpicked crab, peeled prawns,
Jersey Royals and mixed leaves

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get £5 off your in-store jewellery purchase!

You can arrive anytime from 9:30am and stay as long as you like until 5pm! Choose your date below and we will email you directions and confirm your £5 off jewellery in store.. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Please note: Akoya Pick-a-Pearl must be booked separately on our Your Visit page.

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